Monday, September 11, 2006

The many faces of autism.....

escaped on Sunday morning, out of two locked and "child proofed" doors, opened the garage door, went through another door and outside. He was found running up and down the street by my neighbor. I didn't hear any of it, not the phone, door bell or Elijah (obviously)!!! I was awakened by Josh knocking on my door, frantically. I couldn't believe it! This nonverbal, autistic child, stunned us all. Almost like he had been planning his escape for months and this was finally his chance. Of course, it all seems funny now, but yesterday I was shaking. Anything could've happened and I would have been devastated.

1 comment:

Beth said...

sorry to hear of your frightful ordeal but I am glad it turned out alright.. scary how fast things happen hey?
I LOVE your pictures!!
Thanks for sharing