Sunday, October 29, 2006

Susie and I went to a post adoption support group for special needs kids. It was really good and helpful. I was glad Susie was able to come, to hear stories from other families like mine; was good for her. I'm sure she feels isolated.
They offered childcare and I brought Isaiah and Jared. Of course, I got called out to help with Isaiah, really he was just being "Isaiah" nothing too outragous.
I hope to keep going; it is really nice to know you are not the only one dealing with these issues. Issues nobody else seems to really understand. RAD, PTSD, ODD

Today was ordinary and boring. yeah! I love boring days. I took a nap with the little guys for 2 1/2 hours. I could not believe it. I haven't done that in a while. I mean a real nap, were I actually slept. Caught up on laundry and cleaned up the house, played on the computer longer than I should have and went shopping at Target for nothing.

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